Gabrielle & Louis-Philippe || Malbaie Wedding || Les Amoureux

This wedding was featured in Mariage Quebec & Wedding Bells Magazine and was recently voted as one of 2020’s Most Inspiring Micro-Weddings.

If you have not visited the Charlevoix region in Quebec, you are missing out on one of the most beautiful areas of Canada. Reminiscent of the ocean coastlines, it’s hard to wrap your head around the idea that you are not staring out at the ocean. Getting invited to be a part of Gabrielle & Louis-Philippe’s wedding in La Malbaie is one of the wedding’s of my very water-centered Canadian Wedding Bucket List.

Gabrielle & Louis-Philippe fell in love after joining the same Ultimate Frisbee team. In their own words:

Gabrielle est tombée complètement sous le charme de la personnalité joyeuse, drôle, rassembleur de LP. … LP est tombé amour de Gabrielle par son sourire, sa présence… il voulait toujours être près d’elle. (Elle riait toujours à ses blagues.) 

What struck me about these two from the first of our phone calls (before the pandemic was on the vicinity) was just how much they laughed, how open they were, and how solid they seemed in their vision of their lives together. Over the course of the year, in getting to “know them” through their instagram stories, it was clear to me that their love is founded in nature. As it turns out, LP is a geologist, and so I made it a point to include these aspects in building their wedding day story.

As they said:

Dès le début de notre relation, notre entourage nous a surnommés “Les amoureux”…. Nous sommes des amoureux qui aiment le plein air, se coller, la tranquillité, l’égalité et qui croyons aux gens.  Nous adorons voyager, ensemble, tout est toujours très simple.

And then, the pandemic happened. What was impressive to me was how quickly they pivoted, cancelling their 120+ person wedding, finding a new venue and crossing their fingers they could invite a handful of people. We discussed their new plans over zoom and it was clear that they had made peace with the wedding they thought they had wanted.

Le plus étrange est d’avoir planifié un mariage depuis mai 2019, de tout laisser tomber et de réussir en organiser un nouveau en 2 mois et demi et que tout fonctionne quand même. 

I overheard someone say during the reception that the St.Lawrence resembled a mirror, a tranquil backdrop to such a romantic day filled with joy, tears, & Moon River while celebrating Les amoureux.

Just a little post script: one of the photographs in this series has already been featured on Mariage Quebec and that same photograph got handpicked by Rangefinder Magazine as Photo of the Day (a magazine that features many of my own personal favorite wedding photographers & home to 30 Rising Stars)


Dress Maison Ariane Carle Suiting Le Mercier Venue Terrasses Cap A L’Aigle (Maree de Base) Cake Pain d’exclamation


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